Meet the Team

Cairn GmbH was established in 2021 under the joint ownership of UK-based Cairn Research Ltd, their CEO, Jeremy Graham, and Heidelberg-based Academic, Dr. Felix Evers.  Our mission is to supply, support and expand the Cairn product range within the European Union, both directly and through distributors and OEM partners.

Further to this we are pursuing our vision to provide excellent bespoke microscope solutions directly to the research community.

Dr. Felix Evers

Managing Director – Jan Felix Evers, CEO of Cairn GmbH, has over 20 years experience in fundamental research (neuroscience) and the design/development of measurement instrumentation (optical and x-ray) for both bio-scientific research and industry.

Jeremy Graham

Jez Graham, CEO of Cairn Research Ltd, has over 25 years experience in the design and development of microscope systems for the biosciences.

Dr. Christian Wilms

Dr. Christian Wilms

Product Specialist – Christian has over 20 years of experience in fluorescence microscopy and neuroscience research – both hands-on and in commercial product development and support.

Michael Knopf

Design & Engineering

Dr. Mike Everson

Production, Quality Control & Dispatch – Mike Everson has a degree in Physics and a PhD in Optical Engineering.

Magdalena Heckl
